In these lectures, I discussed the challenges and opportunities for character driven worldbuilding in the interactive medium. Students worked on writing their own short drafts for settings and characters, and then applied these ideas to designing a game space to express that.
In these lectures, I gave students the tools to look for the stories, people, and rhetoric behind our everyday world - media, architecture, games, politics, and more. Additionally, we examined our own biases and cognitive processes when we consume and interpret media to be more conscientious, deliberate, and aware of the creative work we do.
In these lectures, I discussed game economics in terms of player experience - letting what we know about who plays our games (and who we would like to play our games but aren’t yet) drive our understanding of game economy. We broke down economic areas, progression systems, and designing economic systems to solve precise problems or encourage desired behaviour.
In these lectures, students gained an understanding of how balancing tools can be used to bring design relationships in their games out of the abstract and create their own design language for balancing and iterating their games. To implement these ideas, students designed, balanced, and played a board game from scratch.
Talks // Workshops
Immersive Experiences Lecture // Workshop - HyperIsland
I was invited by HyperIsland - “a digital creative business school aimed at industry executives to boost knowledge levels and understanding of digital culture and media” - to talk to their Creative Motion and Content students about Immersive Experience Design.
The lecture focused on understanding the interactive medium and forming a design language to use when exploring it in relation to phyiscal space. I broadly covered player stories, storytelling through mechanics, and the function of roleplay in interactivity.
Kinetic Storytelling In VR - CodEmotion Berlin
I spoke at CodEmotion Berlin 2019 about Kinetic Storytelling in VR.
Kinetic Storytelling approaches narrative as a “hands first” hierarchy of player experience. This means taking a close look at ‘dramatic’ game objects, the representation of player hands, and the role of the observer in a narrative as tools to understand, inspire, and reward player self expression.
Character Through Environment - CodEmotion Amsterdam
I spoke at CodEmotion Amsterdam in 2018 about communicating character and story through environment.
This talk was framed as a postmortem of my creation process for ISAAC, a deep space character vignette that I built from the ground up.
You can watch my talk here!